Lyn's Medieval Fayre

Lyn took part in the Neighbour's Medieval Fayre.
Here she is with Sienna the 3 headed dragon 

Alan Ran Jozi

Alan and his friends took part in 2013's Run Jozi which was held on the 12 October from the Newtown Precinct and this year gave a choice of 2 routes - Uptown or Downton. When signing up no one knew where each route would take you but you either went with the red tshirts or grey tshirts. Alan and friends chose Uptown

Runners were asked to park in Fordsburg and make their way to Miriam Makeba Street

Some of the 10 000 runners waiting to start the 10km race

After singing the anthem and being showered in confetti the race officially started

The route took runners up the Carr Street on-ramp onto the N1 south

At the Rissik Street Offramp the routes separated - Downtown taking the offramp while Uptown continued on until the Joe Slove turn-off

Alan on the right

The Uptown route took them up Joe Slove, to Saratoga Avenue and then into De Korte Street 
Downtown ran right through the CBD of Johannesburg.

Alan, Chris and Derek

Both routes then joined up again letting everybody run over the Mandela Bridge

just another few meters to run to cross the finish line

before everyone got their medals

Having some food after the race

The Uptown Tshirt and medal

Secret Supper at the Old Turbine Hall

Lyn went with Catherine and friends to a Secret Supper Experience held at the Old Turbine Hall in the Newtown Precinct. The hall has recently been remodelled into one of Johannesburgs most sought after venues.