Klipriversberg Nature Reserve

Lyn and Al went for a hike at the beautiful
Klipriversberg Nature Reserve

There are 9 hiking trails to follow, ranging from easy
 ( perfect for children ) to rather strenuous!

The picnic area

It is very picturesque here with so many things to see

They came across a stream along who's banks many 
tiny dassies live

There are many ruins on the reserve dating back to
when the Sotho-Twana people lived in the area

There are also the ruins of the house and wagon shed built by Sarel Marais who was part of the Voortrekker contingent. He settled in this spot in the 1850's and Sarel and his wife raised their 13 children there. ( On a side note his brother Jan Marais and his family settled at the present day Suikerbosrand which you can read about in my previous posts )

I think this donkey views the wagon shed ruins
 as his own personal space

Lyn couldnt resist putting her feet in the stream but
I think the water was cold lol

The largest dandelion seed I have ever seen

They then decided to hike up to the look out
 in the southern part of the reserve

After a rather steep climb, they were rewarded with these beautiful views

Al right at the top of the lookout

Lyn enjoying the views

Strange ground cover growing over the rocks

After hiking almost 13kms they simply ran out of time and had to head home but they plan on heading back as soon as possible to 
explore the part of the reserve they haven't yet seen.

This reserve is highly recommended to anyone looking for a great day out. It is only 10kms from the Joburg CBD, it gives the sense of being way out in the country and there is just so much to see.